About Us

Lowkey is a registered trademark in Portugal which, as the name implies, represents simplicity in its quality. It is marked by the same discretion shown by the chameleon and, therefore, it has its symbol in this magnificent animal.

Having an Algarvian origin, Lowkey intends, in the medium/long term, to contribute to the preservation of the endangered species of the Algarve chameleon.

Being created by young people, our habitat is surf and skatewear where we adopt the principles of freedom and union with nature.

Lowkey also intends to honor the vision and dedication of a founding member who is no longer with us. 


As an adaptable, cooperative brand, Lowkey is dedicated to providing comfortable and quality streetwear by working with the community to provide a free spirit lifestyle trough clothing.


To be the national reference streetwear brand, as an inspiration and link between the community, outdoor activities, and a relaxed lifestyle.


Promise to customers. Teamwork. Honesty. Quality. Passion. Integrity.